Kylie Jenner ambassadrice de la lutte contre le harcèlement sur Instagram
Publié le 6 septembre 2015 à 12:46
Par Prune P.
N'allez pas (ou plus) dire que Kylie Jenner n'utilise son compte Instagram que pour poster des photos sexy et des selfies ou qu'elle ne sert à rien. Ces derniers jours, la soeur de Kendall s'est lancée dans le mouvement pour la lutte contre le harcèlement. Durant six jours, la petite-amie de Tyga compte partager des histoires de personnes "différentes" afin de faire bouger les mentalités. Nice job !
Kylie Jenner utilise Instagram pour lutter contre le harcèlement avec les hashtags #IAmMoreThan et #StopBullying Kylie Jenner utilise Instagram pour lutter contre le harcèlement avec les hashtags #IAmMoreThan et #StopBullying© Instagram Kylie Jenner
La suite après la publicité

D'habitude, le compte Instagram de Kylie Jenner lui sert principalement à exhiber son corps de bimbo ou ses nouvelles coupes et couleurs de cheveux. Si la petite-amie de Tyga continue de le faire, elle a également décidé de l'utiliser pour une bonne cause. Depuis le 1er septembre et durant six jours, Kylie partagera avec ses 35 millions de followers de belles histoires de personnes sous le hastag #IamMoreThan afin de sensibiliser les gens contre le harcèlement et l'intimidation.

6 héros contre le harcèlement

Sur Instagram, Kylie a tenu à expliquer son initiative : "Je suis tellement excitée à l'idée de lancer ma nouvelle campagne Instagram #IAmMoreThan. Les six prochains jours, je vais partager les histoires de six incroyables personnes qui sont devenues des héros à leur façon en transformant le harcèlement dont elles ont été victimes en quelque chose de postif". Celle qui avait déjà fait preuve de générosité envers des enfants malades récemment encourage d'ailleurs ses fans à partager avec elle leurs histoires positives : "Je veux vous encourager, vous, mes fans, à partager avec moi quelque chose de positif à propos sur vous. J'en lirai autant que possible", avant de conclure par ses nouveaux mantras "#IAmMoreThan #StopBullying".

Ce dimanche, Kylie a déjà partagé quatre histoires, à commencer par celle de Renee DuShane, une jeune de 21 ans, atteinte du syndrome de Pfeiffer. Elle a ensuite continué avec Erica Schenk, mannequin grande taille qui cartonne aujourd'hui et qui fait même les couv de magazines consacrés au fitness. La soeur de Kendall a poursuivit avec Jacob et Anthony et leur belle histoire d'amitié qui a aidé l'une des deux à faire son coming out. Dernier héros à ce jour, Lizzie Velasquez, qualifiée de "femme la plus moche du monde", qui pèse autour de 30 kilos seulement et qui souffre d'une maladie congénitale qui touche moins de 10 personnes dans le monde. Celle-ci l'empêche d'avoir le moindre gramme de graisse dans le corps.

#Day 3 - Jacob (@Jacob_Lescenskii) and Anthony (@AnthonySexC) are best friends and have been for 2 years. Anthony came out to Jacob early on in their friendship. "It was very casual," Anthony said when I asked if he remembered coming out to Jacob. "The most important thing I remember was how loving and accepting Jacob made me feel." When it came time for their junior year, both Jacob and Anthony were so excited to go to prom until things starting going wrong in their personal life. "My girlfriend and I had just broken up," Jacob mentioned and he was just going to go with friends until he saw Anthony's tweets. "I realized that helping him with something that would make him happy would also make me happy... and it would probably be the best way to go to prom." @TeenVogue even helped them find the perfect outfit by sending them to @TopMan to find suits. They had the best time at the prom and have inspired not only their community but the world. They even appeared on the @TheEllenShow ! The most important thing they want people to know and remember is that "YOU matter and people care about YOU. People don't remember word for word what you said or how you dressed or how you looked but people will remember how you feel." I'm obsessed with these boys and had such a great time talking to them. We need more people like them in the world! Check out Jacob and Anthony's instagrams @Jacob_Lescenskii and @AnthonySexC - they're leading a revolution by showing us all that #IAmMoreThan my sexuality. They taught ME that #IAmMoreThan the critics. Also... @kamideike and Jordan Ruiz!!!! Will you please go to homecoming with @jacob_lescenskii and @AnthonySexC?

Une photo publie par King Kylie (@kyliejenner) le

#Day4 - I'm getting a little more personal... When Lizzie Velasquez (@LittleLizzieV) was 17 years old, someone posted a video of her on YouTube calling her the world's ugliest woman. "By the time I saw the video, it had 4 million views." Now 26 years old, Lizzie's condition was diagnosed last summer. Lizzie suffers from a rare congenital disease that less than 10 people in the world are known to have. The disease impedes her from accumulating body fat; she literally has zero percent body fat and has never weighed more than 64 pounds, however though it is not terminal. Throughout her entire life, this condition has resulted in a lot of #bullying. It is so unacceptable to treat people like this. People are so quick to say horrible things about me everyday over and over and sometimes I can't take it. Even I at times get affected by it, I breakdown, I hide, I cry. It's resulted in a lot of anxiety for me that I've never had to deal with before ever. My every move has been documented for the whole world and its been a nightmare trying to find myself through all of this. And I've absolutely lost apart of myself. Lizzie, you are so strong and I admire you so so much. Lizzie has taken that negative energy and has turned it around by traveling around the world doing motivational speeches. When I asked her what the key messages were of her speeches, she told me that "Most importantly I try to convey that all you need to have is a brave heart to accomplish whatever you want to achieve. Let the negative build you up instead of knocking you down. You are enough no matter what; you were put on this earth for a reason" Soon you'll be able to see her story on the big screen in the documentary film @ABraveHeartFilm in theaters on September 25th. Check out Lizzie's Instagram @LittleLizzieV - she's taking a lifetime full of bullying to help teach the world #IAmMoreThan the names they call me. #ImWithLizzie and Lizzie taught me #IAmMoreThan who I think I am. For me, this is expected it comes with the territory. But Lizzie, you should of not had to go through that. Let's change this together. I love you Lizzie! I'll see you soon.

Une photo publie par King Kylie (@kyliejenner) le

Une jolie action qui, espérons-le, permettra de faire changer les mentalités sur les réseaux sociaux, et dans la vie de tous les jours.

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